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3D-printing and turned brass
Clansman was a combat net radio system (CNR) used by the British Army from 1976 to 2010. It represented a considerable advance over the existing radios offered to the Armed Forces at the time, replacing the ageing Larkspur radio system. It proved to be more flexible, reliable and far lighter. Clansman was in use by British forces from the late 1970s and saw service in most UK military operations. It was replaced in the mid-2000s by the Bowman communication system (SMM3520).
This set replicates the complex rear hull mount used on Ferret – in three different configurations - plus the front hull mount.Included are two 2-metre VHF masts in turned brass.
Parts list
1    Antennae masts – turned brass (x2)
2    Antenna bases (x2) with wingnuts. Drill a 0.3 mm hole using the guide hole in the antenna head.
3A  Rear hull mount with two blanking plates.
3B  Rear hull mount with socket on top.
3C  Rear hull mount with sockets on top and rear.
4    Socket for hull front.

SMM3564R Clansman Antennae and Bases for Ferret

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