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During service, especially on exercises and operations, crew space is at a premium in such a small vehicle as the Ferret. The only practical solution was for individual unit workshops to create hampers over the rear deck, still allowing access to the engine covers. For this reason, Ferret hampers tended to have hinged rear legs, the front ones just resting on the deck, held down by the weight of gear stowed away.
This is the second hamper from SMM. This is a ‘large-size’ hamper representing those used in BAOR. There was a huge variation, with very little standardisation. Even worse was Gulf War 1, where seemingly no two hampers were identical. Many had very long legs, so you will have to adapt!

Cable reel parts (including PE frame) all included.

SMM3564H2 Rear Hamper (BAOR and GW1)

SKU: SMM3564H2
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