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Centurion Late Hull projects
Please click here to pay careful attention to what you might need for your particular Centurion model.
Briefly, the late hull Centurions had deeper rear hulls with more fuel capacity, different engine decks and protected glacis plates. These versions have never been done in plastic in 1/35 scale.

Spanish Scorpion
From 1985 to 1986, the Spanish Marines received 17 brand new Scorpions from the UK. They served with Marine Infantry Marine Tercio (Grupo Mecanizado Ampfio-GRUMA). Their role was Fire Recognition and Troop Support.
Each Scorpion was equipped with a Perkins diesel engine in place of the more usual Jaguar. From 2001/02 they were discharged from active service. Chile was interested in replacing their existing ex-British Army Scorpions, so from 2007-08 the Spanish Scorpions were sold to Chile.
Two remain in Spain in preservation: one at the Amphibious Brigade "Tercio de Armada" and another in Cartagena "Albacete and Fuster General Marine Infantry School".
This model has been built using the sets available on the FCM page. Two sets are currently available to convert the AFV Club Scorpion which has all parts finely 3D-printed including new engine decking, mesh grilles, antenna pots and new sights, amongst other parts. The Spanish used Stormer-style tracks with chevron-shaped shoes.
SPOTLIGHT reference for Spanish Scorpions is on this page.
The Model
The model here was built straight from the box(es) with no further modifications apart from the FCM parts. It was a straight-forward weekend build which was easy to put together. The product started as a one-off FCM conversion (plus decal set), but a second conversion set was designed to make it more complete - in full co-operation with SMM. The only difficulty with the conversion was to reduce the size of the two front grilles to accept the FCM mesh grilles which sit over the top of the existing plastic grilles.
The tracks are interesting in that they come in basically two complete lengths of 3D-printed material. Like resin tracks, the lengths can be warmed up in hot tap water and bent to shape. However, the best way to get around the tight curves of the sprocket and idler (and around the front and rear roadwheels) is to actually snap off single links which the 3D printing allows you to do, and then glue them back together. around the wheels. Obviously these are NOT workable tracks, but who needs those anyway? It is a very novel solution and, I think, quite successful.
For the sprockets and idlers, and the first and last roadwheels, you will have to snap off individual links. Start at the sprocket with individual links, then a short straight to the bottom of the first roadwheel and two individual links. Then a straight length at the bottom. Repeat at the rear end. Finally gently heat the sag to fill the top run. Use hot tap water - not boiling!
I would recommend replacing the antennae with Leopard Workshop LW021B US-style aerials to top off a nice little conversion. Decals for a Spanish Scorpion are included in the AFV Club kit, so now they can be used on a correct Perkins-engined tank, rather than the Jaguar-engined tank in the kit.